Do not let the cooler weather stop you!

Coming into winter is always a challenging time for retailers as people tend to stay home as the weather gets cooler. The Onehunga Business Association run promotions to encourage people to keep returning to our town centre.

This season sees the return to the hot drink promotion last seen in 2021. Spend over $50 in a single transaction in one of our participating retail stores then you will receive a voucher that entitles you to a free hot drink in one of our participating cafes and bakeries. We have 3,000 vouchers to give away (1,000 at Dress-Smart) which get distributed across our business community so it will run while stocks last. You can redeem your voucher in the month of June.

For more information about the promotion see our advert on page xx of the magazine.

A final reminder that it is your last chance to book your seat to hear Gilbert Enoka, a highly regarded leadership speaker who is coming to Onehunga on Tuesday 13 June for lunch. Also, you may be able to grab one of the last tickets to the Culinary Crawl in July. We have extended our event to 370 tickets and as we have gone to press, we have sold 300 so do not dilly dally!

Change is continuous in the Onehunga business community. This month we see two new premises open with Chinny’s Beauty Space and the St John’s Charity Store opening their doors.

I understand that we should see the feedback from the Auckland Light Rail consultation soon. It was great to hear that 50% of the comments received came from the Onehunga community. Whether you agree with your neighbour does not matter – letting them hear your opinion is vital.



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