February –keeping things local

As we go to print, Aotearoa is in a flux of change, but one thing is for certain, our businesses need your continued support. Whether you shop in person, online or via the phone, please consider supporting local.

Our pharmacies can help you prepare for any symptoms you may have from Omicron. The Unichems are also offering vaccinations as are some of the doctors’ surgeries. There is a lot of advice available.

All our cafes will remain open. Some will be for takeaway only, but others will continue to have dining inhouse. We are working on extending outdoor dining as well.

Unfortunately, we have had to cancel the Onehunga Festival. It was on, off, on and now it is officially off. This is a shame but it’s the best thing to keep everyone safe in this current climate.

We do have a couple of other options to keep you entertained. You can come and admire our Whale Tail on Onehunga Mall. A few participating businesses are going to get into the swing of things with a few whale-inspired treats which you can learn more about on our social media channels.

The most exciting news is that in March, we’re creating a pop-up art gallery. Working with the wealth of local talent, the gallery will be open to those with My Vaccine passes (social distancing and mask wearing) from 2 March. We are finalising details, but all the funding and the team are confirmed. Watch this space for more information.

Please continue to look after each other, show respect for your businesses and people who are working to make Onehunga a safe and welcoming space for our community.




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