Transforming Onehunga – new developments aplenty

Over the coming years Onehunga town centre is going to experience a lot of change. In many ways this was inevitable with the opening of the Onehunga train line in 2010 but this change has taken some time to roll out starting with the announcement of Transform Onehunga by Auckland Council in early 2017.

The big announcement for Onehunga last month was the new Lamont & Co apartment complex at the former Onehunga Workingman’s Club, 158 Onehunga Mall. The plan is for the existing building to be demolished and a new eight story building containing 102 apartments and ground floor retail to be built.

Located in the heart of the town centre, this new complex will have limited car parking, but it will be within 5 minutes’ walk of Onehunga train station and buses run to the door. Of note, the former ANZ bank, 178-182 Onehunga Mall, has also just sold with the new owner planning on refurbishing the building for a new occupation.

Other new developments in the wider area include the Ockham Residential project “Manaaki” with 210 apartments on Jordan Avenue and another impending retail development on Princes Street. Plus, there are many Kāinga Ora changes underway.

For the business community these opportunities are very exciting – there are many new residents destined for our community, but it does task existing residents to alter their perceptions of Onehunga. Living and/or working in New Zealand’s largest city in a great area like ours comes with opportunities and challenges but one thing is certain, things are going to get busier in our town centre.



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